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2023-2024 Goals for NūLoop Partners
We physically transform and connect the greater North Loop area for the common good of people, businesses, and the greater Minneapolis community
Under Bridge Alternative Uses
An in depth exploration of how the under-side of elevated highways can be transformed through public-private partnerships.
Transit Oriented Development
This presentation outlines key principles and best practices for transit oriented development. The continued growth of the Greater North Loop area is inextricably linked to transit oriented development. And, thus the primacy of this brief and principles presentation by Lucy Galbraith, Transit Oriented Development for Metro Transit.
Royalston Station-Farmer’s Market Station
This document memorializes the discussions from the June 2019 workshop, and analyzes and evaluates prior plan guidance. The document is to be used as guidance for future planning and implementation around the station area. The memo identifies the outstanding needs: 1) investments in capital improvements in the built environment, 2) building consensus and conducting community building efforts, and 3) encouraging economic development strategies for the area.
ABC Ramp Re-Envisioning
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) invited a ULI MN Technical Assistance Panel to evaluate how to move forward in the management and development of the downtown Minneapolis ABC Ramps to create a thriving mobility hub in the heart of the city, improve pedestrian and other commuter connections, revitalize unused and underutilized spaces, and add new uses within the Ramps. This is the panel’s final report.