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Root District Community Engagement
This presentation is a report back from community engagement with the Catholic Charities suite of housing properties in the North Loop Root District. The feedback from residents about the redevelopment of the area provide important guidance for developers and the City of Minneapolis.
2023-2024 Goals for NūLoop Partners
We physically transform and connect the greater North Loop area for the common good of people, businesses, and the greater Minneapolis community
2021 International Geodesign Collaborative
This report provides key analysis and explorations for the redevelopment of the North Loop Root District. The collaborative was facilitated by the Minnesota Design Center.
Transit Oriented Development
This presentation outlines key principles and best practices for transit oriented development. The continued growth of the Greater North Loop area is inextricably linked to transit oriented development. And, thus the primacy of this brief and principles presentation by Lucy Galbraith, Transit Oriented Development for Metro Transit.
Swervo Development Presentation
An overview of all Swervo Development Corporation projects near the greater North Loop area.