2023-2024 Goals for NūLoop Partners


Transformation for the Common Good

We physically transform and connect the greater North Loop area for the common good of people, businesses, and the greater Minneapolis community.

OUTCOMES (long-term):

NūLoop Partners is known as a well-organized, consistent, and stakeholder-supported source of substantive information on projects and ideas affecting areas in the North Loop. Its members include a wide range of stakeholders including local businesses, developers, government departments, neighborhood representatives, utility companies, elected officials, and other interested organizations.

NūLoop Partners Steering Committee and Membership

  • Feel deeply connected to one another and the surrounding community

  • Are consistently informed about issues concerning the North Loop area

  • Are empowered to act for the wellbeing of members and the community

Root District

  • Is a Transit Oriented Community anchored in “density, diversity, and design” o Informed by and connected to surrounding communities

  • A destination Food District known for innovation, entrepreneurship, and workforce development opportunities

  • An example of an innovative Net Zero District Energy solution

OUTCOMES (2023-2024):

NūLoop Partners Steering Committee and Membership

  • Actively participate in NūLoop meetings and events

  • Receive regular communication from NūLoop leadership sharing information about issues concerning the North Loop area

  • Use NūLoop as a resource for connection and action in support of the community

Root District

  • Short-term, focused work groups inform these topics:

    • District definition

    • TOD infrastructure plans and potential additional investment

    • What do we mean by Food District?

    • Climate and Sustainability

    • Funding

  • Stakeholders and champions will understand, support, and advocate for the district plan


Steering Committee/Membership

Membership Engagement

  • Membership survey to define means of engagement and topics of concern (50 participants)

  • 4 formal membership events focused on topics of concern defined by survey

  • 4 less formal “happy hour” events for networking and connection


  • Monthly ED digest emails to steering committee to inform about local events and summarize ongoing activities

  • Monthly email to membership supporting and amplifying new development, businesses, and events


  • ED and NūLoop leadership will represent NūLoop at community events, neighborhood association meetings, and government convenings

  • ED will schedule consistent meetings to personally inform elected and community leaders about NūLoop Partner’s ongoing work

  • ED and steering committee will pursue relationships with potential new members

Public Support in areas such as:

  • Transit

  • Public Safety

  • Development

  • Other as requested by NūLoop members

Root District

Work Groups

  • 5 work groups will be convened for six months (July-December 2023) to define and make recommendations for next steps in the following areas:

    • District definition

    • TOD best practices, infrastructure plans, and potential additional investment

    • What do we mean by Food District? Co-manufacturing, commercial kitchen, food science facilities, storage, shipping, etc?

    • Climate and Sustainability (ie, brownfield, water strategies, etc)

    • Funding

  • Recommendations will be evaluated and integrated into planning in early 2024

Site Activation

  • Ongoing support and communication of activity already happening in the district (eg, Glass House, Farmer’s Market, etc) through social media and membership email

  • Block Party event in partnership with Glass House, Farmer’s Market, Simpson Housing

  • Map the district and proactively engage building and business owners

Food Sector Engagement

  • 4-6 convenings with leaders from the Twin Cities food sector ecosystem

  • ED will participate in relationship building, events, and ongoing groups within the sector


  • Energy Feasibility Study

  • Community Engagement Report

  • Food Sector Needs Assessment and Landscape Analysis

  • Each of the above will be used to create the Equitable Scorecard

Narrative and Communication

  • A concise, comprehensive, and well-designed narrative for the Root District will be informed by all of the above

  • A website will be designed and made available to the public as a tool for communication

  • Print collateral and social media activation as necessary

Other projects/relationships/things we’re researching and keeping an eye on:

  • Olson Memorial and Glenwood Ave walkability issues

  • Green Line Extension infrastructure progress

  • Blue Line Extension

  • Farmer’s Market accessibility from North Loop, Harrison, Near North, etc

    • Wayfinding, lighting, messaging

  • Public Safety concerns

  • Other North Loop Public Works projects

  • Development opportunities throughout North Loop (focus on the Root District)

  • Mpls 2040 Plan


  • North Loop Neighborhood Association

  • Farmer’s Market leadership

  • DMNA, Harrison Neighborhood

  • West Broadway Business Coalition

  • Mpls CPED

  • Hennepin County

  • City of Minneapolis

  • Food sector leaders

  • Urban Land Institute

  • Met Council

  • Elected officials

  • Mpls Department of Health

  • mpls downtown council/DID

  • Metro Transit

Peter Freeby

I design and build books, periodicals, brand materials, websites and marketing for a range of artists, non profits and educational programs including Elizabeth Murray, Jack Tworkov, Edith Schloss, Janice Biala, Joan Witek, George McNeil, Judy Dolnick, Jordan Eagles, John Silvis, Diane Von Furstenberg, The Generations Project, The Koch Institute, The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute and the Dow Jones News Fund.


Root District Community Engagement


2023 Workgroups